The Maker of American Finest Achievement Rings:

University Ring Program

Your Achievement, Your Ring, Your PRIDE!

Welcome! And thank you, we appreciate your interest in our class ring program.

Our goal here is to help your institution start the custom of offering an official class ring to your graduates and alumnus of your institution. In the following pages, you will see the value, merits and importance of carrying on this respected tradition.

First and foremost, let’s consider the importance of starting and adopting an official Class ring tradition. Any institution which establishes and carries on a tradition that involves both the students, graduates and alumni have higher tendency to receive donations, as well as individuals willing to volunteer themselves for any service required by the institution. We can see the difference- in comparison to schools without such established ring tradition.

What exactly is an official class ring? With regards to the Alma Mater of a university, the official class ring serves as a foremost symbol of identity, connection, and pride that is readily visible to all. Not only that, it also shows a great and wonderful connection between the alumni and current students of the university. This bond formed is enviable. Other benefit of the class ring program are 1. Monetary gain that the institution is going to derive 2. The strong closeness that the alumni would have with the institution.

education, campus and teenage concept - smiling teenage girl in corner-cap and eyeglasses with diploma and classmates on the back

How old is the college ring tradition?

Many esteemed institutions like Harvard, Princeton, US Military Academy, Notre Dame, Clemson and MIT. These schools and others with a long history of customs, too many to name, in fact, and have been practicing the college ring custom over the past 70 years! The result of this Class ring program, no doubt, has been remarkable for these schools due to the strong connection it builds between students and alumni of the school.

We manufacture and sell quality class rings at a value price. With our class ring program, all our clients’ institution have been able to maintain a strong connection over the years between students and alumni. We believe this is due to our philosophy of ensuring that students obtain their official class rings at school with one style being given to them, it has been observed that such schools have a strong affinity with regards to their Alma Mater. Comments from students of those schools allude to that fact. Many of them, if not all, look forward to their ring day more than even their graduation day! Why? This is so because their ring is like a legacy that lasts long beyond their graduation. The strong ties and connections are something noteworthy. Our program has ever been successful.

What makes a ring program a success?

Our success in the ring program has been a tremendous one. This has been accomplished because of our main focus in the ring program is try to build connection and affinity. We ensured that the three basic components of this custom have always been maintained. These are what the ring symbolizes, having quality rings that are affordable to all, and then making them stand out as unique as possible to each institution.

Let’s consider our first goal which has to do with what it symbolizes. For a symbol to be of great value, it has to be easily recognizable. If we have a number of varieties in the symbols used, it would be more difficult to identify them all. This tends to take away its purpose, thereby making most persons lose interest in getting one for themselves. We always ensure that we make a special design peculiar to a particular institution which can be easily identified wherever you go, and linked back to the school. This has been very effective. It has given rise to more demands for it.

Another thing we make sure of is making the ring affordable. We don’t give sales off or sales reduction or anything like that. Doing this gives emphasis to our selling the ring, rather than the importance of acquiring the ring. What we do is that we ensure the ring is sold at a price that can be easily affordable to all, then making it a fixed price for all, not bring about a discrepancy in the prices it is being sold at.

The third focus we have has to do with making the rings special to those who wear them. We make it a point of duty for the students to qualify to get the ring; Students must have attained a feat in one of the goals and visions of the school. An example of such has to do with achieving a certain standard in their academic pursuits in the school. This makes everyone getting the ring to know that not just anyone can get it, but you must have worked to diligently to merit it. By this, all would value the ring as a precious possession, knowing that it is a reward for their commitment and hard work. They’ve got every right to put it on. It is a priceless possession that can’t be passed on to anyone else, or just anybody going for it. You have to earn it. The quality of our rings is noteworthy too. We make rings to have the same quality like that ones used as wedding rings, usually about 14 Karat.

Moreover, it is one thing for the ring program to have a record of success; it is another to maintain such. We accomplish this in the way we make awareness for it. We publicize it in such a way that it gives more emphasis to the importance, making use of all available means to create awareness, most especially all social media platforms. We make the process of obtaining an application form easy. We provide detailed information on our website, such as its history, the importance, eligibility status, and how to apply for them, providing a link to our websites.

Then finally, we make the presentation a grand one. We don’t just send it to people in their homes. We organize a ceremony to show-case its presentation. This would make the feelings special, just like an athlete receiving a medal at the Olympics. We would be readily available to assist in the preparations for the event. This includes making adequate arrangements for the program, and sending out invitations for the official ring ceremony.

On the program, we make those who qualify to get the ring have a feeling of self-worth. The ring would help Students and Graduates recognize fellow alumni anywhere in the world, the reason for the university choosing a particular style. This makes it a unifying symbol. It gives you a feeling of pride and loyalty as you wear it. However, you may choose to customize your ring through engraving, choice of gold, be it yellow or white, diamond or stone, etc. The only thing that doesn’t change is the unifying symbol which is of great importance. We make them feel more committed to activities in relation to the institution, so that as things unfold, they can contribute something worthwhile to the school.

If your institution wants this great custom of an official ring or perhaps just wants to incorporate it into the school’s activities, we are ready to be of service to you. You can count on us to help you achieve your goal of making the community of your students a strong one. This also enables the students to have a great feeling of belonging. What do you look forward to on the day of ring ceremony? Let’s consider that now.

What to expect on the Ring Ceremony Day?

We ensure that the print for the program of the day on a high quality paper. This adds to the importance of the occasion. The program usually should have the words of the Alma Mater song printed on it. Also, the program should have a summarized description of the ring as well as a picture of it. A unique message from the institution should also be put on it. The design of the program should be unique, considering the fact that most of the students will keep it for future reference.

Invitations should be sent out as early as possible. These invitations should be sent at least two weeks before ceremony day. This would help for proper planning for the day. Also, the school should plan for at least three persons attending from each invitation sent out. On the day of the ceremony, arrangements should be made for registration of those who could make it out of those invited. It is important that the registration list be compared to the list available for those who are eligible to receive the ring. This will help in knowing whose certificates that will be awarded on that very day. A section of the seats should be reserved for those who will be awarded the certificates. Also preparations should be made for a possibility of those who might arrive late after filling up available seats. To spice up the event, the school can arrange for some music to be played in the background. A live band isn’t a bad idea either.

certificate with ribbon brown background

Before the day of the event, where it’s to take place should be decided upon as early as possible. It is suggested that the day chosen should be a day when most people will be available. A Sunday afternoon is a good idea. If a weekday is chosen, it should be early in the evening when most of the invited dignitaries, parents and guests will be available to grace the occasion. The number of expected guests should determine the venue that is chosen for the occasion. The venue should neither be too small nor too large for the students and invited guests expected. The sitting arrangements should be made in such a way that would make those who would receive the ring stand out. The podium should be elevated. The speakers who will give their speeches on the day should be seasoned and well presentable. Each eligible student should be called up to the podium and be given their rings. Arrangements should be made for photography as well. The stage area should be well decorated with the school flag, a picture of the ring, preferably a banner. The stage should be set in such a way that it gives easy access for the students to come up from where they are seated.

Up next is the ring presentation. The students should be called up to the stage one at a time. However, they can come closer in rows. Before being called next, each student should give the person managing the table his/her name tag. Thereafter, the ring box is identified given to the presenter there at the stage area. Then the student walks up to the prompter. By the way, a curator should have been arranged beforehand to read out their names. It is important that the announcer meets up with each student to get a few personal facts to add to the name, perhaps the student’s hometown and the proper way to pronounce the student’s name. The announcer/curator could be a popular figure in the school. This can add more importance to the occasion, and make the students feel special to be called by such persons they hold in high esteem. Thereafter, the box is presented, they shake hands, a picture is taken and the student heads back to his or her seat. It is important for the presenter to make an announcement prior to the presentation that each student should wait until the ceremony is over before they put on their rings. This makes them launch it about the same time. It also shows a form of unity and togetherness. As the occasion comes to its close, something that gives a lasting memory should be done. This could be singing the school song, or saying the school slogan all at one time. In addition, the students can be encouraged to give a resounding applause to their parents or guardians in the audience for making them achieve their academic goal. Stories that are noteworthy with regards to students who acquired their rings or their family trend should be mentioned on social media. This helps in publicizing the ring ceremony, thereby bringing more awareness to the custom.

Among the parents in the audience, we may have those who are part of the school’s alumni. These ones should also the recognized. Important dignitaries in the audience should also be mentioned. We make a proper arrangement for those who could not make it to the occasion on how they can pick up their rings. As part of our package, we offer to resize the shape of the ring or repairs for the students as they try it on their fingers. This would help them always feel comfortable in wearing it.

Important reminders

We are interested in your goal of establishing the ring custom in your institution or re-affirming it. Here are a few reminders.

Each new student into the school should be told right from the day of entry the importance of a school ring after graduation. They should be informed how to achieve this goal of acquiring the ring. They should be helped throughout their school days on how to qualify for the ring. On orientation days, a presentation should be made available to enlighten the students more on the Official Ring. Information about the Official Ring presentation should also be included on college nights. In emphasizing the importance, consult with some professors of the school who would be willing to wear the ring. Let them show the students in class rooms and feel proud of it. Who would not like to wear a ring of the same symbol with a professor that is highly regarded? Definitely, this would serve as an incentive to strive to qualify in getting the ring.

During workshops organized, include the Official Ring custom in the program. Have a speaker give an overview of what the Ring is all about. Let the speaker emphasize its importance and why each student should strive to qualify for the ring and obtain the ring. If possible, the speaker should be someone using the ring. Reference should be made to the strong affinity between students and alumni of the school.

Each time there is a Ring Ceremony, ensure that proper arrangements are made for good media coverage. Prior to the date, publicize the event well in advance. How to apply for the Ring, the date and venue for the Ring Ceremony should be well detailed.

A column on the School’s website should have a summary of what the Official Ring involves. A large banner can be put up at a location in the school where every student accesses and can easily see it. It could be on the campus buses, at the dining hall or cafeteria. Moreover, a collection of ring testimonials from notable individuals should be compiled and published.

A list of those who received the rings should be put in the student newspaper. Emphasis should be put on the Ring Ceremony and its importance. In addition, online links should be made available for the application forms. Contacts could be made directly to eligible students. This could be through mails sent to them directly from the President of the University or the Director of the school’s alumni. News releases on the Ring Ceremony should be sent to the local media for publication and there should be video recordings for future references.

Not to be left out is refreshment. It should be arranged for the event, putting into consideration the possible number of those expected to attend. Bear in mind that the rings should not be given out before the day of the ceremony. If in a situation whereby a student won’t be able to make it to the occasion, arrangements should be made for them to pick it up after the Ceremony. The occasion should be video recorded in order to be showed during any future events pertaining to the school.

In conclusion, we would like to help establish the ring custom in your institution. It is a great tradition for your students and alumnus. Try to include it on the next agenda for your school. You would be pleased to see the reward this will bring to your alumni and students. How their unity will be enhanced. Also, it will help to publicize your school as an institution who values its students. The memory of the event would linger in the minds of those who participated in it. In establishing the Ring Custom, your institution would be among the most sought-out institutions for students, because attending students would be drawn to the unity among the alumni and students. They would realize the benefits this would bring them. Also, not to be forgotten is the benefits the Ring Custom would bring the Institution as mentioned at the onset. Count on us to help you achieve such a goal. We will not disappoint you!

We have years of organizing the Ring Ceremony for quite a long while. We understand everything involved. We give out Rings of the best quality and we work hand-in-hand with the school to make the event a wonderful one. Besides, we offer practical suggestions to the school on how to go about it. Our record of success testifies to this. Why not try us today? We assure you that you will get more than you expect.

Our organization will always put your interests ahead of ours. we are here to work alongside you as we offer you our services.